Entity - Emotion - Physical Clearing

There are an almost endless variety of esoteric "NASTIES" that can and do mess with you, your spouse, children and friends. This is the "Advanced Entity Removal" (AER) as a follow-up to the basic ER process.
The ER/EP process and QE/Balloon Exercise is now included in the Wellness Checkup. We also recommend the vital "Creator's Awakening Gift", "Trauma Removal", "Contract Removal" and "Vaccine Remedy" to complete your full protection and prepare you for Elite Membership at FCUSA.
Beyond the original ENTITY REMOVAL (ER) we can now locate and remove additional entities and devious devices that are in, on, around, surrounding, embedded, infused and attached to you that are harmful to your "heart, soul, spirit, mind, body and energy". Do this for yourself and your loved ones. Their total numbers typically are billions.
There are extensive "destroyers" that inhibit healthy body functions, causing pain and immobility.
Devils, demons, invaders, attackers, parasites, avengers, destroyers, desecrators, demolishers, punishers, assailants, interrupters, disruptors, chains, resistances, obstacles, programs, interference and hundreds more manipulating humanity with...
barriers, blankets, walls, film, fog, mist, mesh, netting, webbing, armor, anchors, chains, head-bangers, within, on, around, outside, attached, parallel, between, below, surrounding, embedded, infused, detached, hooks, cords, threads, tentacles, feelers, eggs, implants, imprints, clones, duplicators, replicators, copies, backups, reserves, habits, patterns and more.
There are extensive "attackers" that ravage bodily functions, cause pain, interrupt sleep and limit flexibility and movement. Your extended body includes "Fields, Bodies and Planes" that are often corrupted by "attackers" interfering with your healing and need repair.
Fields: auric, quantum, physical, emotional, mental, hidden, energy, etheric, spiritual etc.
Bodies: auric, quantum, physical, emotional, mental, hidden, energy, etheric, spiritual etc.
Planes: auric, quantum, physical, emotional, mental, hidden, energy, etheric, spiritual etc.
Connect to Your Higher-Self: Resolves your etheric disconnection with your Higher-Self.
There are extensive esoteric "harmful parasite organisms" that attack homes, apartments, cars, office space and pets. These can precipitate mechanical problems, accidents, health issues and distress for residents.
Eradicate harmful parasite organisms: Homes/Appartments, Cars, Office Space and Pets.
Your checkup includes:
- REMOVAL: 1 Billion+ harmful items with Advanced Entity Removal (AER).
- REMOVAL: 50+ harmful DESTROYERS.
- REMOVAL: All Field, Body and Plane ATTACKERS.
- RECONNECT: Etheric communications with your HIGHER-SELF.
- ERADICATE: Harmful esoteric PARASITES.
We will email you your results upon completion.
Disclaimer: All techniques, products, and data are for educational and experimental purposes only. The FDA has not approved/evaluated these tools, resources, recommendations, and/or aids. All products, procedures, and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, prevent, and/or cure any disease. None of these products, procedures, and information replaces or substitutes for the advice of a health care practitioner.

This is a a totally NEW gift from Creator. This will include the previous "Creator's Enhanced Gift" and provide humanity an awakening to their true essence. You will experience an upliftment beyond your previous limitations.
This awakening will prepare you for your return to a being of light.
Clearing Response
Disclaimer: All techniques, products, and data are for educational and experimental purposes only. The FDA has not approved/evaluated these tools, resources, recommendations, and/or aids. All products, procedures, and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, prevent, and/or cure any disease. None of these products, procedures, and information replaces or substitutes for the advice of a health care practitioner.

Every bump, cut, accident, bruise, pain, assault you have EVER EXPERIENCED has invited in huge numbers of "nasties" INTO YOU and they are holding onto your TRAUMAS!
Your body does not know how to resolve these traumas from birth, pre-teen, teen and throughout your adult life. Every event that caused you pain is still in you creating an ever growing mountain of stress on you. Drugs don't work and create even more toxic stress. Talking about them doesn't help (we've all tried this)! Meditation, prayer and exercise can give temporary relief, but the pain always returns.
Every day adds to the list of trauma insults accumulating "nasties" into the millions, billions and beyond. These imbedded "nasties" are harmfully trapped within, on and around you that weigh you down, sap your energy and emotionally drain you. They can precipitate physical ailments, depression, irritability and a negative outlook on life.
TRAMA REMOVAL of the "nasties" addresses the underlying multitudes from a lifetime of traumas. TRAUMA REMOVAL addresses and removes the root of all these invaders allowing your body to process and heal a lifetime of hurts providing improved physical, mental and emotional health and putting a smile in your heart.
Disclaimer: All techniques, products, and data are for educational and experimental purposes only. The FDA has not approved/evaluated these tools, resources, recommendations, and/or aids. All products, procedures, and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, prevent, and/or cure any disease. None of these products, procedures, and information replaces or substitutes for the advice of a health care practitioner.

Unknown to you, your higher-self, greater-self, god-self or creator-self may have made fraudulent contracts with the "dark" committing you in harmful ways. Since they are of pure light, they cannot discern deception by dark entity/energies proposing a fraudulent contract. Of course the dark ones promise wonderful things (but never deliver) and you are stuck with dark devious commitments you were not aware existed. These can manipulate you to do harmful things to yourself or others without you even knowing they guided your actions thru commonly engaging your anger or fear. These are removed with CONTRACT REMOVAL. If NO CONTRACTS are found, you will NOT be charged.
Disclaimer: All techniques, products, and data are for educational and experimental purposes only. The FDA has not approved/evaluated these tools, resources, recommendations, and/or aids. All products, procedures, and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, prevent, and/or cure any disease. None of these products, procedures, and information replaces or substitutes for the advice of a health care practitioner.
There has never been evidence to confirm that inducing live pathogens or toxins into the bloodstream or orally via a VACCINE has ever been successful. Polio was not cured, it was renamed M.S. Thus polio appeared to disappear. Despite childhood vaccinations, why do these people still acquire measles and other maladies? Why are COVID vaxxed people dying and others told this will not prevent COVID anyway?
What are a lifetime of toxic pathogens doing to your body?
The evidence is overwhelming that the "COVID VACCINATIONS" do nothing to protect you from the non-existent COVID-19 virus, but are showing permanent and fatal complications to recipients (COVID and VACCINATION RESEARCH). Unknown to you, nano-bots along with other invasive ingredients in these vaccines systematically seek out and damage cells throughout your body including heart and brain. They readily transition past the blood brain barrier and in animal studies turn the brain cells to mush in weeks or months (estimated equivalent to one year plus in humans). Documented results from VAXXED beings show effects ranging from seizures, paralysis, heart attack, stroke to death. Nanoparticles further collect in the ovaries (sterilization), bone (cancer) and precipitate auto-immune disorders. The best doctors and researchers to date have provided no remedy to remove or alleviate the methodical destruction of these "vaccines".
Despite Creator's making harmless the COVID vaccines early on, new entries, changes or additions to vaccine formulas still make the prospect of danger to recipients of the "jab".
Technically, vaccines by definition intend to provide stimulation to the immune system to provide a defensive response in hopes of lessening or stopping the intrusion of an identified pathogen. Unfortunately, the reality of vaccines prevention of disease is not supported by (VACCINE RESEARCH). The "COVID VACCINATIONS" fail the test as a vaccine by attempting to alter DNA rather than helping the body generate its own defenses.
Creator has provided an etheric remedy to mitigate harmful vaccines. Nothing to inject or swallow but rather an etheric program from Creator that cleanses your entire body of lifelong vaccine assaults. This remedy can be for yourself or gifted to a loved one, friend or anyone that has been vaxxed FROM CHILDHOOD TO PRESENT. Creator continues to provide solutions to the dark's attempt to harm humanity. Who can you cleanup with the VACCINE REMEDY?
VAXXED Victims Need Help
There is a VAXXED Solution
Disclaimer: All techniques, products, and data are for educational and experimental purposes only. The FDA has not approved/evaluated these tools, resources, recommendations, and/or aids. All products, procedures, and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, prevent, and/or cure any disease. None of these products, procedures, and information replaces or substitutes for the advice of a health care practitioner.


We are not born with an ego. Ego is a product of darkness initiated by early trauma (physical harm, emotional upset, mental ordeal, suffering, pain, distress, shock, fear, etc.). These initial disturbances establish a foothold for dark entities and energies to manipulate you the rest of your life. It also leaves the door open for future invaders to continue their harmful control of your emotions.
Do you ever wonder why some people are "super sensitive" and overreact to criticism? Others are aggressive, manipulative, dishonest, deceitful, arrogant, mean, cruel, insecure, fearful, heartless, destructive, harsh, paranoid, etc. We see these in politicians, con artists, thieves but it is just as prevalent in acquaintances, friends, husbands, wives and siblings often leading to divorce, rivalries and broken relationships.
We easily see these faults in others and often blame them for our own ego short-comings. All of us have a corrupted ego which now can be easily remedied. As you change for the better, the world around you changes too.
A quick look at world leader/failures will put this in perspective on a scale of 0-10:
0 is no ego, 10 is total ego.
Level 7 |
Level 6 |
Level 5 |
Level 4 |
Level 3 |
Level 2 |
Soros |
Bush Sr |
Hitler |
Fauchi |
K Harris |
Trump |
Mexican Drug Cartel |
Weinstein |
Stalin |
Gates |
Jung-un |
Melania |
Adrenochrome Makers |
Pelosi-Schumer |
Trudeau |
Hillary |
Putin |
Body Parts Providers |
Obama |
DeNiro |
Jinping |
Human Sacrificers |
Q Elizabeth-Philip-Charles |
Castro |
DeSantis |
Cabal-Illuminati |
Abbott |
Coumo-de Blasio |
R Paul |
Biden |
J Jordan |
Newsome |
Macron |
Princess Di |
Epstein |
P. Francis |
Big Pharma |
A Jones |
MSM-Social Media |
RFK Jr. |
T Cruz |
John Roberts |
Bush Jr. |
Planned Parenthood |
MS-13 |
Clearing Response
When you surf the internet, there are a multitude of malicious robots, trackers, key loggers, privacy invaders and data strippers that can do great harm. VPN (Virtual Private Networks) protects your privacy and your finances providing security and peace of mind.
Commercial programs only work when you remember to activate them and provide you limited protection. What if they are hacked revealing your entire surfing history... that also could be devastating.
ULTRA VPN PROTECTION will continually protect you 24/7 without having to activate it daily... it is permanently ON. It works worldwide where-ever internet is provided, protects your privacy, identity and includes streaming protection. ULTRA VPN PROTECTION connects you securely and anonymously.
Ever heard of a Stingray? It's a tiny suitcase-size device that acts as a fake cell tower.
The system, installed in a vehicle (so it can be moved into any neighborhood) tricks all nearby phones into connecting to it. Once connected it tracks your every move and steals ALL of your data. In many states, these devices are available to ALL local law enforcement via state surveillance units. They CAN and ARE watching you.
Disclaimer: All techniques, products, and data are for educational and experimental purposes only. The FDA has not approved/evaluated these tools, resources, recommendations, and/or aids. All products, procedures, and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, prevent, and/or cure any disease. None of these products, procedures, and information replaces or substitutes for the advice of a health care practitioner.

All Cell Phones (3G, 4G, 5G) emit harmful energies to your body. Short and long term use can induce trauma to your brain and can result in cancers (read more) . As part of your overall protection we now provide protection from your cell phones 24/7.
Disclaimer: All techniques, products, and data are for educational and experimental purposes only. The FDA has not approved/evaluated these tools, resources, recommendations, and/or aids. All products, procedures, and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, prevent, and/or cure any disease. None of these products, procedures, and information replaces or substitutes for the advice of a health care practitioner.
Smart meters use short bursts of radio waves to allow readings to be taken remotely from gas and electricity meters.
They emit as many as 14,000 short bursts of intense microwave radiation a day, disrupting cellular electrochemistry and causing health symptoms from migraine to tinnitus, insomnia, dizziness, anxiety, chest pain, palpitations and memory loss. People with smart meters in their homes have reported a sudden increase in dizziness, ear pain, memory problems, heart palpitations, anxiety, and sleep problems. The frequency of operation is typically in the 902 MHz and 2.4 GHz bands. It's recommended that you maintain a 40-foot distance between you and your smart meter.
RF radiation is classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.”
AngerClear: Supports strengthening of peace while helping release the attitudes and expectations associated with anger: anguish, anxiety, betrayal, bitterness, blame, confusion, discouragement, hatefulness, offense, pride, rage, shame, strife, unforgiveness and wrath.
2 for 1 ORDERING
FearClear: Supports strengthing of love, harmony, comfort and satisfaction while helping release of symptoms of fear, anxiety, betrayal, confusion, lack of control, rejection, compliance, bitterness, shame and related emotions.
SorrowClear: Supports strengthening of joy, friendliness, confidence, contentment and cheerfulness while helping release of symptoms of anguish, hopelessness, compliance, loneliness, defilement, sorrow, discouragement, unforgiveness, despair and worthlessness.
2 for 1 ORDERING
| Real Trim II: Contains a unique formulation of homeopathic supportives with no stimulants. This rare combination of ingredients were formulated using sophisticated biofeedback equipment to address each of these six factors of weight gain. Real Trim® contains Emotional Support, Detoxifiers, Appetite Control, pH Balancers, Natural Energizers, Metabolism and Thyroid Support.
2 for 1 ORDERING
- Weight loss
- Emotional Support
- Burn Fat/Cellulite
- Supress Appetite
- More Energy
- No Health Restrictions
- Encourages Exercise
- Increase Metabolism
Much Calmer
"I feel much better physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. My anxiety is much calmer. Thank You." (BioRenew)
Sleeping Better
"We are sleeping much better at night. I'm more relaxed." (BioRenew)
Awesome Blessing
"I am so happy what the wellness treatment did for my whole body. First of all something attacked my back. I could barely walk, sleep and sit down. I received a "Wellness Checkup" and "Creator's Awakening Gift". I woke this morning and I got out of bed feeling so much better. I went to work today. I am walking normal and I can bend over. Just want to thank Lois and Tom for this blessing!!!!!"
99% Better
"The second clearing completely helped my wife. She is like 99 percent back. She just has to get her stamina completely back. She is almost there. Thank you for all your help. Please tell Lois thank you." (BioRenew)
Love and Harmony
"Creator's Awakening Gift is helping love and harmony grow in our home." (BioRenew)
A New Person
“Dear Tom and Lois, I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for my son. He is like a new person. Fear and anxiety has almost disappeared and when it comes up he handles it well. I can talk to him without him getting defensive. It has been years since he has told me he loves me. He is also going to church now with my brother-in-law to meet new people. When I read all the things that you had to do to/for him, I am so blessed to belong to Freedom Club. What you and Lois do for all of us is overwhelming. You give so much of yourselves and your time. May you both be blessed !!!” (BioRenew)
M.B. Member
More Positive
"Thank you Tom and Lois for clearing entities from myself wife, pets, cars and my home. My personal experience is very good. I am not negative anymore. I can see a change in my wife also. I can tell when you pulled the entities off (my dog) because his tail went up and started to wag that day. I just wanted to say thank you Lois and Tom". (BioRenew)
I Feel Great
"IMMEDIATELY, after the (Entity Removal) work was done, I didn't have any more problems with the 1,500,000 entities that were removed. My overall strength is restored. I don't feel heavy, weighted down, dizzy, tired, pressed down and unbalanced anymore. I feel great!
I'm not tip toeing around my home like I was at first, I felt like a prisoner in my own home, those entities was watching my every move, and were attacking me when I was at work during the day and at night while I was sleeping, it was terrible.
But, I thank God I found the www.BioRenew.com website, I believe the Angels were watching over me, and told me to get on my computer and search, because in my heart I knew there was help out there for me, to help deal with things like this. And, I listened to my higher self, even in all I was going through, and I found BioRenew.
My sister had to drive almost 2 hours to get me out of my own home, because I knew, if I didn't get out, something was going to happen to me. When, I called Tom, I was panicking, tired, and in tears because I was so tired, but thank God, the work that Tom and Lois did for me was powerful and instantaneous, I didn't have to wait, days or weeks!
Every since I called them my whole spirit was cleansed, restored, balanced, I felt peace, free, and felt like dancing to be honest! I went and got my hair done, nails done, I had fun with my family, I just had ENERGY. I haven't had anymore attacks or problems with these crazy entities or any other entities, Tom and Lois are the REAL deal, they are powerful! Tom and Lois got rid of the entities that was very persistent.
I'm going to do everything they told me to do. Next I'm to get the EP to help me with all the emotional memories of what I went through in my life mental, and the QE, to learn how to live a successful life mentally and spiritually, plus I'm going to get the sprays in the future. I have already recommended Tom and Lois to my sisters whole family, in which she already got the Family ER removal already, and my son for the Individual ER. I know so many people who need Tom and Lois's ministry. I love this ministry, we need this ministry here on Earth! I'm so grateful for Tom and Lois's ministry! "
Blood Sugar Controlled
"I'm type 2 diabetic and on insulin. My blood glucose was out of control and running in the 170-189 in the morning. The next day after EP my blood glucose was down to 117. It has been lower other days now and no higher than 135 one day. Lots of pain in my joints showed up but is disminishing now. Does this work, YES! May you be blessed. Thanks Lois and Tom"
Member Vicki
Focused Thoughts
"We noticed a peaceful harmony come over the household right after the home and car clearing. Also noted that my lungs started expelling toxins right away. The ability to focus my thoughts and accomplish tasks without distractions demonstrated the authenticity of creator working thru all things. Many muscle twitches and pains disappeared over night . Intense dream state induced by the clearing was very revealing as to our current mission. Our living space seems very peaceful Cathren's Health and energy levels improved dramatically. A great improvement using intuition and healing techniques brought in New Clients to make up for 4 weeks of time lost at healing practice The 100% attitude change with our house guest Kody was indeed a welcome blessing."
Member John
I Feel So Blessed
"It took a few weeks before you could perform the EP on my son and my granddaughter. I did notice positive changes in their behaviour but also times then they would both be upset and angry. After listening to your call on 04/03/18 you mentioned that deep issues will be brought to the surface for them to deal with so I can understand what is going on now. For me I feel so blessed to have had the ER & EP done... Being a member of Freedom Club has been a life line for me. Bless you all !!! "
Long Time Member, Martha
Psoriasis Clearing
"It's been awhile since I had my Entity Clearing and I wanted to let you know that it has helped me focus on my daily life, my health and what my future could be. On March 22 I celebrated 32 years of Sobriety and on that day I decided for the 1st time to give up sugar. I have challenged myself to do this for 1 year. Now 13 days later I am seeing my Psoriasis clearing, my weight starting to go down and the great thing is I feel that this is something I will be able to accomplish. Removing the Entities has given me more insight into what is right for me and to move on from what hasn't been working. I didn't plan to stop sugar on March 22. It just came up and I said o.k.
I can say that I listen to myself more closely and then take action. Thank you for all your efforts to help me and others."
Long Time Member, Cheryl
No More Arguing
"Wow! My husband was always arguing every point with and then I would get started. Now both of us can discuss things without an argument. Sleep is still very good. I was at my daughters this weekend and a complete change in her. She seems so much happier. There was actually a peaceful feeling in her home. She still has trouble with sleep but I feel it will come. Thanks to you and Lois. May you both be blessed. "
Long Time Member
Home Sold in 5 Days
"I had you do an Entity Removal process for family members and cars plus two homes, my current one as well as a former family home that had been a rental for over a year and a half. Your reply back to me after doing the process was that the former home didn't even recognize me as its owner. You had to do some special work to resolve that and do the removals, which you completed successfully. I had had that home on the market for almost 2 months (in a fast market) and it wasn't selling; I was picking up negative energy from the former renters. The home went under contract in 5 days after you completed the process!"
Member, Heather
Calmer and at Ease
"Over this week, I have noticed I am feeling calmer, more at ease about everything around me, especially at work. There has been positive feedback from people at work toward me, too. I am so grateful to have received this significant clearing."
Fear, Anxiety, Sorrow Released
"I feel the work you've done with Prime Creator (ER/EP). The energy moves in my body. Lot of activities in feet: the energy is making them vibrate (EP). A lot of fear, anxiety and sorrow were released after EP this week. I did a QE session yesterday. This morning the silence is there... youppi! I'm taking care to pick up the lesson and learning it! "
Happy Member
Wonderful Sleep
"The day you did the clearing, I didn't sleep much that night but the next day every time I sat down I feel asleep. From that point on I sleep so GOOD! Hasn't been that way for years. My husband mentioned he sleeps so good also. I feel much more relaxed and had sinus problems and they are gone. May you and Lois be blessed. Thanks so much. "
Happy Member
More Relaxed and Calm
“What a blessing that I and my family were able to receive, with the removal and protection that you two gave us. Things are so much more relaxed and calm in our house. I myself feel a real grounding with the earth and I take my time now when I speak and move. All of the knowledge I have received since I joined Freedom Club is invaluable.”
Bless you both, Grateful Member
What a Change
"ENTITY CLEARING 12/5/17 It's been an hour maybe since I got report from Tom. First I must say I thought it was a little bit of hooey, but last night couldn't sleep and I came to realization that it was true. Our home feels cleaner' and not so mucky. It felt like there was a congregation in our bedroom and I have been sleeping on sofa. So now I feel much more at peace and relaxed. Looking forward to bedtime tonight. Was amazed at what the report said, no wonder my hubby has been a bit of a butt! Lol me too! Even had our mastiff Gretchen cleared!!! This will help her too. NEXT DAY I slept very well last night and woke up refreshed! What a change! My energy felt great and I felt alert. My report said the nasties have been hanging around for a year - certainly explains a lot! I feel so much better! Our home feels so much 'cleaner' too! Can definitely feel the huge change. Thank you Tom & Lois and the Ancient One'!!! May you be blessed!!"
Blessings, Karen
Calmness and Forgiveness
"First of all I'm not at all surprised that there were ugly items around me. I could not explain it to anyone but I knew they were there just as much as I sit here writing this testimonial. You cannot explain those things to most people. The severity and level however, is a surprise. It explains it all. There was a very long period of my life where I went through hell and came back several times. I was always in a fight where I was surrounded by forces that wanted to destroy me. No matter how hard I fought I felt defeated and overwhelmed. THEREFORE it was not a mere coincidence that I found Freedom Club through an unlikely source (someone I did not even know). Whose name I have never forgotten. Originally it was strictly for the ARs and I was excited as can be then it became a life changing experience minus the funds. I began to recognize my participation in my life's negative turns and realized that those dark forces that I faced were real and they were nasty but they could be conquered. How many there were, however, is a big surprise. Far more than I could fathom. The day before the clearing I had a very strange experience. Not being a panicking type I took it as a clue that said "I must get this clearing done ASAP, today" and I did. Almost immediately I felt a release (sounds crazy but it's true) and the next 48 hours to the present I could feel a difference in my state of calmness and wisdom and forgiveness of self and others. My energy is getting better with each day. Meditation has become a big part of my life and I owe that to Freedom Club. I feel excited that GREAT things are heading my way and with QE sessions I will know total peace. Thank you Tom, Lois, Rick and your entire crew for ALL that you do. May you ALL be blessed. "
Love and Light. Martine
Clearing Self-Created Blocks with Your Higher-Self
Grounding & Cross Crawl Exercise Audio
Cross Crawl Exercise Text:
Touch your right elbow to your left knee (close is good enough), then touch your left elbow to your right knee. Repeat this sequence 2 more times. This will remove you from any reversal.
Grounding Exercise Text:
Sit comfortably in a chair or couch with feet on the floor; lying down; or if outdoors place feet on the ground. You can be barefoot or keep your shoes on. Read first, then do the grounding with your eyes closed.
Imaging a safe and loving place where you have good memories (the beach, garden, woods, etc. on a warm sunny day). Go there with your eyes closed and barefoot in your imagination. Feel you feet sinking into the sand or ground. Feel the energy of Mother Earth rising up into your feet, legs, torso, arms and head. Connect deeply with Mother Earth and inhale thru your nose into your heart-space, hold, then expel through tight lips slowly a few times (cleansing breaths).
Now, take an inbreathe into your heart-space, hold and through tight lips send your light and love to Creator. Now allow Creators light and love to come to you into your heart-space. Take another inbreathe into your heart-space and release slowly through tight lips feeling yourself grounded and centered in your heart with Mother Earth and with Creator. Take a few more cleansing breaths as you did before.
Do this daily upon arising, at bedtime and anytime during the day when you feel out of sorts.
Grounding Audio
Entity Clearing Now Included with Wellness Checkup
------------------ Wellness Checkup ------------------
· $100: Wellness Checkup
------------------ Creator's Awakening Gift ------------------
· $100: Creator's Awakening Gift
------------------ ULTRA VPN Protection ------------------
· $50-$100: ULTRA VPN Protection
Clearing Response (How has your life changed?)
Disclaimer: All techniques, products, and data are for educational and experimental purposes only. The FDA has not approved/evaluated these tools, resources, recommendations, and/or aids. All products, procedures, and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, prevent, and/or cure any disease. None of these products, procedures, and information replaces or substitutes for the advice of a health care practitioner.
--------------------- Entity Clearing --------------------
· $50: Single Individual Entity Clearing and Protection.
· $100: Single plus Home, Cars, Pets and Protection.
· $100: Family* Entity Clearing and Protection.
· $150: Family* Entity Clearing + Home, Cars, Pets and Protection.
· $75: Workplace Entity Protection.
* Family Covers 2 individuals: Add $40 each additional family member.
Replaced by
Clearing Response (How has your life changed?)
- Following or in conjunction with Entity Removal (required), you can complete your return to wellness by releasing your deep seated emotion and physical cleansing.
- All physical ailments have a root in an emotional disturbance or trauma.
- Balancing our emotions is key for total health.
- Removing physical toxins from our bodies is the next step for total health.
- Rebuilding our physical form will begin the process to restore us to our original blueprint.
- This process sets all these in motion to rejuvenate you to your optimal self, feeling love, peace, joy and abundant health.
- Upon successful completion of your Emotional/Physical (EP) process your essence will be perpetually resolving emotional distress, detoxifying and restoring your physical essence to your original blueprint.
- You will be wrapped in a blanket of Creator’s spiritual love.
- Creator will move you into your heart and connect your god-self to Creator's heart.
Entity Removal & Protection
Response (How has your life changed?)
- Over 300 types of invisible entities have invaded billions of beings on our planet.
- Some have been here for 13,000 years.
- If you have had ‘trauma’ in your life (accidents, deaths, divorce, abuse, depression, etc.), this is the opening needed for nasty energies to invade your essence.
- These are not viruses or bacteria and cannot be ‘killed’ by drugs or chemicals.
- These are non-physical esotheric harmful energies, entities and essences infested within us, on our bodies or around us and can be on your Spirit, Soul and Etheric Self.
- Many have been with us most of our lives… more recently in the last year or two.
- Includes the following and more:
- Types: curses, implants, blasters, emitters, predators, taskmasters, masterminds, leaches, dragons, beasts, warlocks, devils, demons, creators, overseers, programmers, programs, machines, machinists, jackhammers, shooters, crashers, destroyers, directors, overlords, handlers, controllers, connivers, executioners, basilisks, barbarians, terminators, exterminators, vipers, cesspools...
- Intensities: negative, dark, nasty, evil, ugly, wicked, beastly...
- Review the symptoms below and notice repetitive patterns of failure, defeat and out of control. These are indicators of an entity presence.
- Physically: pain, rashes, spinal misalignment, vision, hearing, headaches, fatigue, libido, stiffness, restless leg, swelling, poor sleep, anxiety, weight gain, low energy, poor or excessive appetite.
- Mentally: lack of concentration, poor memory, forgetfulness, unfocused.
- Emotionally: nervous, anger, discouragement, hopeless, blame, rage, fear, depression, strife, etc.
- Spiritually: disconnected, distrustful, fearful, anxiety, lost, vulnerable.
- Etherically: blocks ascension, ungrounded, not in heart space, disconnected from Creator, lack of truth, trust, discernment and respect.
- We have removed millions of all types of ‘nasties’ in all ‘intensities’ from individuals, homes, vehicles and the workplaces worldwide.
- We operate from our hearts within the Heart of Creator of all-that-is.
- We have been blessed with the ability to locate and identify dark nasties of all types.
- We do this within the presence of Creator and powerful guides with deep gratitude and appreciation.
- We ask Creator to remove all identified harmful items in the most appropriate manner and for the individual’s highest and best.
- Our ‘Creator team’ then offers full healing, optimization of your energies and then shower your essence with ‘sparkles’ of Creators light and love.
- Results are immediate. Processing and integration typically occur over 24 hours.
- Clients report sensations of positive healing throughout their bodies.
- Some report a calmness and inner peace.
- Others report positive feelings emerge replacing worries and fears.
- More report physical healing and a deeper heart connection.
- Others notice family, friends and even strangers treat them better and seek them out.
- Following your session, we will email you the results of the number of entities removed, how you were affected, from your optional family, homes, pets and cars.
- Finally, we provide you Protection from Future Attacks.
- Rev. Tom and Reiki Master Lois have been successfully providing energy and cleansing work for a combined 22+ years. In recent years, we have removed millions of all types of ‘nasties’ in all ‘intensities’ remotely from individuals, homes, vehicles and the workplace worldwide.
- There is no need for travel or even being on a phone or internet for removal to occur.
- All that is required is your willingness to accept this gift with an open heart.
Dear Tom and Lois,
“What a blessing that I and my family were able to receive, with the removal and protection that you two gave us. Things are so much more relaxed and calm in our house. I myself feel a real grounding with the earth and I take my time now when I speak and move. All of the knowledge I have received since I joined Freedom Club is invaluable.”
Bless you both, Grateful Member
Dear Tom and Lois,
"ENTITY CLEARING 12/5/17 It's been an hour maybe since I got report from Tom. First I must say I thought it was a little bit of hooey, but last night couldn't sleep and I came to realization that it was true. Our home feels cleaner' and not so mucky. It felt like there was a congregation in our bedroom and I have been sleeping on sofa. So now I feel much more at peace and relaxed. Looking forward to bedtime tonight. Was amazed at what the report said, no wonder my hubby has been a bit of a butt! Lol me too! Even had our mastiff Gretchen cleared!!! This will help her too. NEXT DAY I slept very well last night and woke up refreshed! What a change! My energy felt great and I felt alert. My report said the nasties have been hanging around for a year - certainly explains a lot! I feel so much better! Our home feels so much 'cleaner' too! Can definitely feel the huge change. Thank you Tom & Lois and the Ancient One'!!! May you be blessed!!"
Blessings, Karen
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